  After colliding with a tractor trailer and driving off erratically, Kerry Kennedy was determined by state police to be driving under the influence of a substance. While there have obviously been conflicting reports about the nature of this incident, personally I believe the signs seem to indicate that she was at the very least under the influence of Ambien. 
 This sleep medication has been known to cause behavior like sleepwalking and sleep-driving. If that were the case, then Kerry Kennedy might have been simply driving around without really even knowing she was doing it. However, her attorney is attempting to spin the situation to seem as though she was at no fault whatsoever for the incident. Even going so far as to suggest that she was under the influence of nothing at all. 
 I believe that state troopers can identify suspicious behavior for those that are possibly DUI suspects. With the particular incident in question, hitting a tractor trailer and then erratically driving away until a flat caused the stopping of the vehicle, it seems evident that there was more involved than what the attorney would like to suggest. Of course, this is much like any well known or recognizable person getting into trouble. This will become an instance of a slap on the wrist for the damages. This could have been much more dangerous and life threatening for other motorists sharing the interstate with Kerry Kennedy. Find all the details at http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/story/2012-07-17/kerry-kennedy-charges/56269472/1. 
 Benjamin Gilbert spent 3 years as a statistic analyst for a firm based out of Pittsburgh. During this time he became familiar with both corporate and commercial law.

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