Recently the FBI conducted a sweep aimed at child prostitution in fifty-seven cities. Operation Cross Country 6 arrested one-hundred and four alleged pimps, and recused seventy-nine children. The sting involved over two-thousand and five-hundred local, state, and federal officers, the ages of the children rescued was from thirteen to seventeen. Predators stalk their victims physically and psychologically. Once they gain control of their victims, the children have to depend on their pimps for survival. Cut off from the outside world, their pimps have more and more control of the children, driving them deeper into the web of crime.
        We do not like to think child prostitution is a problem in the United States, maybe Thailand or occasionally in the big cities, like New York or Los Angles.  In 2003, the FBI started Operation Cross Country to counter act the spread of child prostitution. These raids continue to drive the point home that child prostitution is an All-American problem.
        Predators often kidnapped their victims from various places. Befriending a child online is another way they lure children into their trap. The FBI constantly fights against exploitation of children, but they cannot do it alone. Parents can help the fight by taking an interest in their children’s activities. The FBI offers these tips on their website. Monitor you children's online activities. If they start to receive gifts from someone you do not know, turn the computer monitor off when you enter their room, or becomes withdrawn from the family, might have a problem.
       The first step in confronting the problem is to have a talk with your child to explain the dangers online and possible consequences. If the problem persists, talk to your local law enforcement officers. It is always better to be safe, than sorry.   Stay involved in your children's lives. Know their friends and their activities. When they go out with friends, have a code word they can use in text or on the phone to tell you they need you to come and get them.
  The various law enforcements agencies do all they can to stop child prostitution, but they need our help. Together we can reduce the number of children, which fall prey to this horrible crime.

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